Rayaru has only nishkaam karma and its punya is of pure savik nature. When donated it gives fulfilment of desires without side effects, and it automatically gives rise to HARI bhakti as it is nishkaam karma. When a person does kaamya karma, he gets attachment as side effect and after it exhausts it gives misery, and further clamouring for the same perished result. But when a person does nishkaam karma, he not only gets the result of the karma but at the same time gets gyana of HARI owing to that karma, and further infinitely enjoys the karma result without attachment.
Now as a pamara a normal man cannot do nishkaama karma. Rayaru
has done a lots of nishkaam karma and he is donating it to us .
So all you have to do is unabashedly ask for your desires. Your
desires will be fulfilled and also you get HARI bhakti automatically
Shri Krishnarpanamastu