Anuvyakhyaan, tantrasaara sangraha Madhwaacharya’s dictum.
gunadhikam gurum praapya taddhinam naapnuyaat kvachit |
viparyayastu kartavyah sarvatha shubhamichchita ||
taduttamagurupraaptyai poorvanugnya namrugyate -anuvyakhyaan
poorvasyattuttamo labdah svayameva gururyadi gruhNiyaad avichareN
vikalpa samayorbhavet
When an uttam Guru is available, one need not think about lesser gurus,
one need not even take permission from lesser guru to choose a better one, if
one is available. Without a second thought one can accept a better guru.
Shri Rayaru, is best guru, today he is here to guide us, and take us to
Lord has specially appointed Shri Rayaru, to look after the needs and
spiritual pursuits of the devotees.
One must do Rayar seva, for spiritual benefits and desires. Other
kshetras are for pilgrimage and improving ones punya status. But for doing
prolonged seva, learning’s and research and desires, Shri Rayaru Kamdhenu is
sent to earth, if ignored, it will lead to more problems …
Shri Rayaru, is highest among GURUS GURUSARVABHAUMA, he has Vayu, Sesha
Indra avesha.
He can bestow anything and everything on this earth, and heaven, and
three worlds.
Such a samarthya is not there in other’s.
All should serve Guru Raghavendra with devotion.
GURU RAYARU is MOOLA GURU of all paramaparas present.
Every tamas sadhana has a notable side effects, one must study them and
be away from such tamas sadhana, the side effect, every person of that clan
suffers, is generalised effect. But those into sadhana of tamas never realise
that owing to moha. Some surrounding them seeing their prosperity temporary,
feel may be this sadhana is good, but it will strike worst wound. In this forum
try to know the side effects of each sadhana, and observe them to generalise
and get dhridha bhakti in Shri Rayaru
Shri Krishnarpanamastu